Specialty coffee bar in Baarn
Specialty coffee, tea, comfort food & season's specials to stay & go
Onze specialty coffee bar in Baarn is open, ook voor coffee-to-go, take away cakes & cookies en alle items op onze menukaart.
Welkom voor ontbijt, lunch en koffiepauze wanneer nodig, op ons uitgebreide terras of zoek een fijne plek binnen. We zijn open op dinsdag t/m zaterdag van 8.30 – 17.00 uur.
Taarten en koeken op bestelling zijn gedurende deze tijden op te halen, in overleg kunnen we ook bezorgen in Baarn, en op sommige uren ook in de regio 🙂
Hele taarten: €13,50 / €16,50 / €18,50
Halve taarten: €7,50 / €9,50 / €12,50
witte chocolade frambozentaart, bananenbrood, worteltaart, appel / blauwe bessen / peren kruimeltaart, vegan brownie, gezonde cake (gluten- en lactosevrij, gezoet met fruit), haverkoeken, chocoladekoeken, citroentaart, notentaart, espressocake en ricottataart.
Ook onze koffiebonen van Keppler zijn te bestellen.
In our learning process it became clear to us that from growing, to harvesting, to roasting, grinding and finally brewing the coffee so much things could go wrong. Even with the best equipment a barista can easily kill a ‘specialty coffee’ without too much trouble – or – and there we find our challenge and satisfaction – do the specialty coffee justice and let our guests have an extra ordinary pleasant taste experience.
We love the fact that we work with small independent suppliers who source and roast the coffee themselves. So that we can vary a lot with the different single origins. Every day we grind two different single origins for espresso and another one for filter coffee. Besides Keppler we work with other well-known roasters such as Sprout coffeeroasters.
Our suppliers
Mi Casa, specialty coffee bar in Baarn, works with local shops for daily needs in dairy, fruits, flower and all. For our choice in juices, soda’s, chocolate and the like, we leap on various suppliers who are on the lookout for tasteful, new or just old blends.
Lunch time all day. Besides sweetness we also make grilled sandwiches and salads. We call it lunch, but it’s served during the day.
Hotsoup – run by Nanette en Rogier – imports beautiful whole leaf HiFi tea since 2006. We have a changing assortment of their most beautiful teas. Besides the ‘regular teas’ we have a few blends with a twist in stock.
Bean-to-Bar chocolate
We are always on the lookout for extra ordinary delicious chocolate. Check and explore our current stock on the counter.
Put the needle on the record
Uncapable of producing a single note ourselves we do love music made by those who can. We sell a select varying assortment of recent, newly released and vintage vinyl. Dig the groove.
Postcards connecting the world
Looking for a card for that special someone? We sell the most beautiful/ funniest/ horrible postcards we can find.
Local books
We sell books of any kind of writer currently living in Baarn, as well as books written by worldwide locals, as long as it’s a must read.

illustration by Thirza Kok – Studio Vondst